Public Speaking Masterclass: The Power of Words

Public Speaking Masterclass: The Power of Words

Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club

By Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club

Date and time

Friday, March 21 · 7 - 10pm GMT+8


Lifelong Learning Institute, Event Hall 1-1

11 Eunos Road 8 Singapore, 408601 Singapore

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club

Money Mastery Toastmasters Club is a NON-PROFIT Organization affiliated with Toastmasters International. An international non-profit organization with its headquarters in the US.

Toastmasters International was started to provide members with a safe and conducive environment to practice communication and leadership skills. To date, there are around 16,000 Toastmasters Clubs around the world.

Why a $20 Guest Fee?

The guest fee helps to contribute towards the hall charges as well as the food we prepare for all attendees.

Though we are a non-profit organization, we choose to host our meetings in a big hall with a proper stage and near an MRT station. This facilitates our member’s exposure to

1) a larger audience as our regular attendance is around 50 Pax

2) the opportunity to speak on a stage with proper audio devices

The MMTMC Difference

The average Toastmasters Club conducts its meeting in a relatively small room with a capacity of 30. Most meetings are conducted with an attendance of around 15 - 20. MMTMC meetings are conducted in a large hall with a stage. Audience attendance is usually around 60 - 70 Pax. Some larger events and themed meetings do attract attendance of up 80 - 100 Pax. Like our annual speech contests, workshops and speech marathon nights. If your goal is to improve public speaking skills, which do you prefer? Stretching your exposure to a larger audience capacity? Would it be more challenging and exciting to present to an audience of 15 or 70?

Sounds great…so What does one gain from attending the event?

A Toastmasters meeting consists of 3 main segments Prepared Speeches, Table Topics and Evaluations. It's 3.5 hours of mind-blowing speeches, heart-warming personal stories and amazing people. Expect to witness:

  • 4 well-crafted inspiring and intriguing speeches by some of our prepared speakers

  • An intuitive speech evaluation segment. Watch how our veteran Toastmasters evaluate the nitty-gritty of a well-prepared speech. What more can be a better opportunity to learn the hidden intricacies of giving a powerful 5-minute speech?

  • An opportunity to network with like-minded people who shares a passion for improving their public speaking and communication skills.

  • A great chance to find out more about the Toastmasters movement and how you can be a part of it.

So, grab this unique opportunity to learn public speaking from one of the BEST clubs in Singapore.

Payment Modes

Online payment at 20$

Strictly no walk-in

Still considering?

Better communicators often land a better job. They often get better pay. And almost always advance faster in their career. The ability to present an idea, persuade your point of view and influence your peers and superiors to your ideas is your competitive edge

This is why Tony Robbins says…” the quality of your life is the quality of your communication”

And how effectively you express and communicate with your spouse, partner or in-laws can make a world of difference to the quality of your relationship

Better communication = Better prospects

Better communication = Better relationships

Better communication = Happier and better quality of life

See how ordinary folks from a buffet spread of professions take to the stage as they compete to persuade, influence and inspire you with their ideas and insights. With one goal in mind… improving their communication skills.

Come and experience how you too, can start to sharpen your communication and presentation skills in 2025. This can easily be one of your best Fridays of the year 2025.

See you there!


What is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International is a US-headquartered non-profit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide to promote communication and public speaking skills. Check out the Toastmasters website here for more information.

How to get to the meeting venue?

Our venue is very accessible by public transport. Visit here to find out how.

More Questions?

Feel free to reach out to Michell Sheya Wong via WhatsApp/Text (+65 9086 6386) or Email us at ( or visit

Organized by

Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club (MMTMC) provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment that enables members to develop effective public speaking and leadership skills.

Our organization is a member club of Toastmasters International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping men and women all around the world learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking—vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.

Toastmasters International believes that people can only truly improve their public speaking skills by actually speaking in front of others regularly. Our club provides a proactive and supportive atmosphere for members to speak before the club on a fortnightly basis.
