Understanding the Psychology of Dreams

Understanding the Psychology of Dreams

Explore the science behind dreams, harness their creative power, and discover how they can guide you towards self-discovery and innovation.

Date and time

Wed, 23 Oct 2024 21:30 - 22:30 PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Important Notice

This programme/event is open to members of the National Library Board, Singapore. Please ensure you have your myLibrary username on hand before proceeding with the registration. If you do not have a myLibrary username, you can create one here: https://account.nlb.gov.sg/.

Event description

Understanding the psychology of dreams

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and a significant portion of that time is filled with the interesting and captivating world of dreams. However, have you ever thought if they are simply random bombardments of the brain, or is there something more profound happening beneath the surface? Have you ever awoken from a dream feeling strangely inspired, terrified, or completely bewildered? We all dream (although sometimes, we may not be able to recall them)…but what do these nightly journeys mean? Do they hold the key to unlocking the hidden wisdom of the subconscious, a secret language waiting to deciphered.

Join us for a one-hour exploration of Dream Intelligence! In this session, we will delve briefly into the science behind Dream Intelligence, unveiling the processes that create our dreamscapes and more.


·       The Power of the Subconscious: Learn how dreams can reveal hidden desires, fears, answers and untapped creativity – a portal to self-discovery through the lens of the night-time mind.

·       The Problem-Solving Power of Dreams: Explore the theory that dreams help us process emotions, consolidate memories, and even spark solutions to waking life challenges. Perhaps the answer you seek to that complex problem lies just beyond the veil of sleep!

·       Decoding Dream Symbols: Explore common dream imagery and delve into their deep meaning. Is that soaring flight a symbol of liberation or a looming fear of falling?

·       Discuss some common Dreams: Do you Dream of falling, losing your teeth, or of snakes etc. We will discuss a few common symbols, Dreams and their underlying message/meaning.

This program is for anyone curious about the inner workings of their mind, Emotional health and knowledge of Dreams. Whether you're a Professional, Entrepreneur, a Home-maker, a Creative person or simply someone who wants to understand your own night-time adventures, this session is for you!

About the Speaker

Sowmya Mysoor holds a Master’s degree in HR from the London School of Economics. However, it was her passion for emotional, mental and holistic well-being that led her to train in various wellness modalities like Regression therapy (trained by Dr. Brain Weiss), Rebirthing Breathwork, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Reiki. 

Having pursued a structured learning programme with UCM Teaching and Research Center, a leader in dream studies, for about 8 years, she is now an expert of decoding of Dreams, Signs and Symbols.

Sowmya believes that by understanding the profound messages of our Dreams with symbolic language, we can improve our lives. Having personally witnessed the transformative power of Dreams and Signs in her life, that of her loved ones and many others, she is committed to the mission of spreading this wisdom to help the community!

Organised by

The National Library Board (NLB) manages a network of 28 libraries, the National Library and the National Archives of Singapore. NLB promotes reading, learning and information literacy by providing a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service through the National Library and a comprehensive network of libraries.