Wellness morning at Singapore Botanic Garden

Start your Saturday right with a refreshing Wellness Morning at Singapore Botanic Garden and embrace a healthier lifestyle!

Select date and time

Sat, 28 Sep 2024 08:30 - 10:00 GMT+8


Singapore Botanic Gardens

1 Cluny Road Singapore, 259569 Singapore

Refund Policy

No Refunds


8:40 AM - 9:00 AM

Guided Meditation

Van Quan

I initiated this wellness morning program to cultivate a daily habit of prioritising my physical and mental well-being. After experiencing burnout, depression, and health issues during COVID, I reali...

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Oracle Card Reading/Tarot Card Reading

Van Quan


A single card draw for you, offering insights into the key message for your day.

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Mindful Walk at Botanic Garden & Sharing

Van Quan

Connect with nature as you explore the Botanic Garden's iconic oasis, and absorbing the sights, sounds, and scents of the garden.Learn practical mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate into y...

About this event

The Wellness Morning program is to support each other’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being together by practising mindfulness in daily life. It's open to everyone, regardless of age or experience level. Whether you're new to mindfulness or have been practising for a while, this group is all about spreading love and providing support as we connect with ourselves and improve our overall health. I wholeheartedly invite you to join us.

If you're interested, just send me a message on WhatsApp to register.

🌿 Wellness morning at Singapore Botanic Garden 🌿

🌞 Embrace tranquillity and embark on a journey to inner peace 🌞

Join our Morning Wellness Program to start your day by caring for your physical and mental well-being. Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this iconic garden oasis.

🪷What to Expect:

🧘‍♂️ Guided Meditation: Start your day with a sense of calm through a breath meditation amidst the lush greenery.

🔮 Oracle Card Reading: A single card draw for you, offering insights into the key message for your day.

🌿 Nature Silent Walk: Connect with nature as you explore the Botanic Garden's iconic oasis, and absorbing the sights, sounds, and scents of the garden.

🙏 Mindful Practices: Learn practical mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate into your daily life to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

🥰Sharing : Share your feelings and findings, express who you truly are and speak out your desire. Articulation is a form of healing too, ‘what you can feel, you can heal’.

*****************Why was this wellness morning program created? ****************

  1. I initiated this wellness morning program to cultivate a daily habit of prioritising both physical and mental well-being. After experiencing burnout, depression, and health issues during COVID, I realised the critical importance of taking care of myself. My goal is to build a community filled with stillness, happiness, and health through consistent meditation, learning, and exercise.

2. In the past, I struggled with a victim mindset, blaming others for my decisions and avoiding responsibility. Now, as I take responsibility for my own life, I deeply admire individuals with a growth mindset who take charge of their lives. This led me to connect with like-minded people every Saturday morning for meditation, card reading, self-reflection, and mutual learning.

---------------What value does this program offer you? -------------------

  1. When New Year's resolutions often fade into routine, I've learned the importance of a supportive community. This program provides the structure and encouragement needed to successfully pursue the goal of achieving physical and psychological well-being. Meeting people with a growth mindset on Saturdays motivates you to continue daily practices independently.
  1. If you find yourself stuck in a rut after setting ambitious resolutions, leverage this program as a kickstart for self-care. Surround yourself with individuals committed to personal growth, and witness the positive impact on your journey. In a world full of spiritual healing options, remember that you are your best healer and guide. Tap into your inner wisdom, be your own source of light, and align your destiny with the best version of yourself.
  1. The facilitator will share effective practices for self-realisation and healing, guiding you to become your own parent, healer, and soul's light. Elevate your vibration and awareness through mindfulness, attracting prosperity by raising your frequency. Instead of chasing money, empower yourself and let prosperity follow you.
  1. I aspire to serve and assist others by sharing my practice of guided meditation, self-love, empowerment, and self-healing. I have intuition and a compassionate heart, I believe I can provide valuable support to those in need.


🌿 身心健康早晨 - 植物园团练🌿

🧘‍♀️ 身心灵健康早晨团练是通过在新加坡植物园的绿洲中呼吸冥想、神预卡解读,静默散步等活动实践身心灵的疗愈和内心的宁静。

🪷 活动包括🪷:

🧘‍♂️ 引导呼吸冥想:感受到内心的宁静。

🔮 神预卡牌解读:为您解读一张神谕卡牌,提供关于您一天的关键信息的洞见。

🌿 寂静漫步: 静默慢步在植物园中,观察和感受周围环境的景、声、香气中,回归自我。

🙏 正念实践:正念技巧的分享和实践,将其融入日常生活中,提高注意力和觉知,增强整体幸福感。

🗓️ 日期:每周六早上,上午8:30至10:00。

📍 地点:请在植物园入口 (地铁A出口) 与我们会面。

💲 费用:10新币。

💚 为什么参加:

  1. 通过早上的冥想和寂静漫步回归自我,提高觉知。
  2. 减轻压力和焦虑,改善睡眠质量,促进心智清晰和内心宁静。
  3. 学习,帮助或鼓励志同道合的人一起成长。

🌟 此计划适合各年龄段和经验的人。无论您是初次尝试身心灵的活动还是经验丰富的灵性事业的导师,我们的身心健康早晨计划都可以为您的周末带来一份清新。


📞 若有任何疑问,欢迎请过WhatsApp联系我,Van 📳9776-2037,或发送电子邮件至 [ vq0327@gmail.com  ]。

🌞 邀请你与我们一起在新加坡植物园里团练身心灵的健康,享受内心的平静和幸福。🌞

Organised by

The foundation of Dawn of Gaia is Love! Gaia, another name for Earth, has been through many eons of birthing and rebirthing. With the tremendous shift of human consciousness in the 21st century, we are seeing a New Earth dawning! Now is the crucial time for us to unite and Bring Forth A Newness in the way we live on Planet Earth.

We thrive on Love, Peace and Joy. We are Miracles Creators and Alchemists of Life. Let us leave our energy-footprints on Gaia for those who come after us. Let us Be An Inspiration! We welcome you to our community of Love.